Thursday, June 28th - Chicago, Illinois
Tommy and I have moved on to Chicago for a few days. A little shopping, a little museum hopping, and a performance of 'Wicked' last night. We had seen it before in New York with the original cast and it was interesting to see it again after it's become a phenomenon. The Chicago production isn't quite as large and elaborate as in NYC (but then it's not at the Gershwin) but was well sung and performed. It's a reasonable show and is likely to work outside of the original production but it's going to be hard to find voices that can stand up to singing Elphaba and Galinda over and over.
Spent some time at the Art Institute getting cultured, also at the Museum of Science and Industry. Found a nice music store down in the loop that made Tommy happy and I poked through a few book stores. We're heading down to St. Louis tomorrow and have a date at Die Zauberflote there on Saturday night. His voice teacher is playing Tamino.
Monday, June 25th - Corbin, Kentucky
Tommy and I are on the road for the next couple of weeks. We left Birmingham on Saturday after my finishing up various and sundry work projects and we don't come back until after the 4th of July. First stop was Atlanta where we got together with Craig, my college roommate who was in town for a convention. He lives in Anchorage these days so I don't get to see him very often. He is well and has taken up triathalons. He had done one that morning and was a bit on the washed out side after exercising in southern heat when he's used to semi-arctic. Went on from there to a resort outside of Augusta for a day of collapse poolside.
Ninety some degrees and ninety percent humidity for the next couple of days and then we headed into the mountains. First stop was Hickory, NC where we had lunch with another old friend of mine who is now managing director of a theatre company there. Hadn't seen him for years and it was nice to catch up. We are on our way to Chicago for a couple of days. We have tickets for 'Wicked' Wednesday night. We saw it in NYC a few years ago when it first opened and have decided to take another look at it now that it has become a phenomenon.
Haven't been to this piece of Eastern Kentucky for some years. Spent a lot of time here with Steve about ten years ago doing genealogical research. It doesn't seem to have changed much. Cooler and rainy here but we're holed up in the Hampton Inn with the Sci Fi channel and not paying much attention to anything else.
Tuesday, June 19th - Beckley, WV
Greetings from Mountaineer country. Back in West Virginia with the mine workers as I am every quarter. Tommy and I and one of my fellows drove up yesterday. Uneventful other than some major rain outside of Chattanooga. Spent a restless night in the local Hampton Inn and then gave a CME course on Urinary Incontinence this morning. Doing the conference thing this afternoon and then out in the field looking at some problem children in the morning before heading back. We used to work out of Princeton, this time we're working out of Beckley, the big town - about the size of Tuscaloosa. We're supposed to have dinner tonight at the nice restaurant. I remain to be convinced.
'Cabaret' closed this past weekend after some bang up performances. It was really a good show. I have photos in hand and will post them shortly. I have promised to stay off-stage until the house remodel is underway so that's the next big project. Meeting with the contractor Thursday afternoon to look at numbers. Trying to figure out what will cost what and what pieces are or are not worth it this time around.
Leaving for our road trip on Saturday for two weeks. First stop is Atlanta to meet Craig, my college roommate who is in town for a meeting. Haven't seen him since 2001. Then on a loop with possible stops including Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Santa Fe and Houston. More info later.
Thursday, June 14th
Today is flag day, for those who keep track of minor American holidays. I am celebrating by going to work and doing the usual. The current regime and their abuse of all things American keep me from being too worked up about anything terribly patriotic, but that's just me.
What's going on? Today is the last day in clinic before four weeks off. One week of out of clinic work projects, two weeks of on the road vacation, and one week of domesticity once we get back. I'm looking forward to my first protracted time off not revolving around work or familial obligation since 2004 sometime. Tommy and I aren't yet decided on where all we are going. I think we'll make it up as we go along. Watch this space for updates. I think we're going to be hitting a lot of summer opera.
'Cabaret' is open to minor acclaim. It's a decent show and we got a good review in the local paper. Herr Schultz is a lot of fun to play and Carole's Fraulein Schneider makes it so easy. A number of my older lady patients have seen it and I've been told they're jealous of our kiss. Four more performances this weekend and then this one gets packed away and it's on to the next project. I haven't figured out what I will do next. Trying to get some domestic stuff taken care of.
The major domestic project is the remodel. The contractor came back with an initial estimate that made me reach for the smelling salts as it was more than I paid for the house. We're meeting this next week and from that, deciding where we go and what we do. I need to see a numbers breakdown.
Heard from a cousin I haven't spoken to in years. He's involved in some litigation that may make him a multimillionaire. I have some information that could help. If it does, I know a couple of theatre companies he could endow.
Paris Hilton is still in jail and Scooter Libby is heading there. Massachussets beat back an attempt to nullify gay marriage. It's a pretty good day.
Friday, June 1st

Another month begins. Where is the time going? It seems like New Years was only a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure that I like this feeling of time continually speeding up as I age. But I suppose it's normal human development and experience.
What's going on? A lot of time in 'Cabaret' rehearsal. The production is coming together fairly well performance-wise. The cabaret numbers look pretty decent and the book scenes are tightening up and becoming less about remembering the lines and more about the characters and their interactions. I'm having fun with Herr Schultz. I have a wonderful Fraulein Schneider to play opposite and we're finding all of our little moments as we keep pushing deeper into the process. We start tech on Monday and open on Friday which is a bit of a shove but as it's a fairly conceptual production, taking its cues from the Donmar Warehouse staging that eventually morphed into Studio 54, it should work out OK.
Not a whole lot going on at work. I'm trying to get everything in position so I can take my few weeks off without things going to hell in a handbasket while I am gone. I think we're pretty much there.
Off to see a local production of 'Evita' tonight. I was cast in it as one of the generals, but turned it down to do 'Cabaret' instead. I guess I'll find out if it was the right decision.