Wednesday, June 1st

The Birmingham dates for the Cabaret show have come and gone. It came off quite well, one of our better efforts. We're working on tour dates for Montevallo, Huntsville and Atlanta for later in the summer and early fall. I just hope that politics holds steady enough for the next couple of months so I don't have to completely rewrite the show. Like that'll ever happen. Next theatrical project is a new musical version of 'Thirteen Alabama Ghosts' which goes up in mid July. I'm not sure what all I'm playing as it's one of those ensemble shows with lots of small roles. I guess I find out at first read tomorrow night. After that comes 'Big' in which I am Mr. Kopecki. Not sure what all that entails either.
Tommy and I went to New Orleans for the long weekend last week and had a nice few days with good food, including a trip to Bayona, our favorite upscale eatery there, gallery hopping and meeting some people with whom I have been net buddies for a while and who turned out to be very nice and quite compatible. We will probably see more of them. We're here this week and gone again next week as it's time for my usual WV/KY run to play with the mineworkers. After that we're here most of the summer. We do have the weekend of the 4th available but no plans as of yet.
Digging out of a major hole at work. I had to put in lots of extra hospice hours the last six months due to changes in Medicare rules but there are now other mechanisms to do that so I get the time back and now I have to work through an enormous to do pile. It's slowly shrinking and I can see the top of my desk for the first time since Christmas.
If you have HBO, check out their adaptation of George R. R. Martin's 'A Game of Thrones'. I've loved the books for years and the writers have done a bang up job of adapting them for television, keeping his characters, plotting and world view pretty much intact. Nice juicy characters and politics.
As promised, a photo from the latest cabaret...