Monday, June 12th

Today, I finally start to get my life back after 'Kiss Me Kate' and what a strange and crazy ride the last few weeks it has been. On the good side, the show was better than I had hoped - as good as anything I've ever seen on stage at the Virginia Samford Theater and the cast gave me that pure joy of performing that made the show click and land with audiences. The bad news, despite a great show and great word of mouth, no where near as many butts in seats as we needed to pay for the darn thing so I will be running around trying to do some retroactive fund raising. The show deserved SRO but it was not to be (although yesterday's matinee was pretty darn full.) If we'd been able to run another week, we might have been able to do it through word of mouth but there was no way we could afford to rent the theater any longer.
It's been an exciting week. Not only Kate running, but Tommy came back from Europe. He enjoyed the singing and some of the unusual experiences. He could have cared less for not very good bus tours of the French countryside. All in all though, I think he had a good time. He came back in time to see a performance, get together with my parents (who came in to see the show) and then have sinus surgery this morning to try and ablate his congestion problems.
To make life really interesting, the actor playing Baptista detatched his retina during the hiatus between the two weeks of the run so, with about thirty-six hours notice, I stepped into the role for the second half of the run. Never had to completely wing a scripted part in a musical before. The first show was about getting lines in the right place. After that, I was able to think a little bit about performance. I would rather have watched from the house, but it was fun being able to work with a top notch cast, even through somewhat trying circumstances.
Now I have to catch up at work and get going on the next version of 'Politically Incorrect Cabaret' which is going up in a few weeks.
Here's a couple of Kate photos - more available at http://www, album asduxbury subalbum Kiss Me Kate
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