Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday, May 30th

'Kate' is all consuming this week as we go into technical rehearsals. The process is going fairly smoothly. Got through first tech of the show last night in about 3 1/2 hours which is about as fast as I have ever seen one go for a full length musical. Good crew and patient cast. Performances are there. Starting to look good. Have a few things I need to adjust to make the show flow smoother but in general I'm pretty happy. Now we just need to light a fire under the set designer to finish the set. First dress is tonight.

Stress levels have been quite high - and they're not likely to descend in the near future. Show will be done but there will still be the closeout and the financials. The combination of me as director and Tommy as producer has not been optimal for harmonious family life - we will survive that.

Speaking of Tommy - he left for France on choral tour yesterday. I am very envious. He's singing at Notre Dame, La Madeleine, Sacre Coeur, Mont Saint Michel, Chartres and the beach at Normandy for D-Day. I'm going to take the opportunity to catch up on some sleep and clean the house.