Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wednesday, May 10th - Washington D.C.

Another week, another business trip - this time to the American College of OB/GYN annual clinical meeting. I'm 1/3 of the faculty for a course on surgery in the geriatric patient. I do the functional assessment and the geropharmacy piece. Others do the actual surgical information. Not a bad program but turnout, as is usual for geriatric themed courses was pretty tragic. Oh, well. It's been lovely weather for walking the city and I've had some nice meals and some time away from clinic and all that entails.

Kate is progressing fairly well. We should have everything staged by Saturday AM for a first run through Saturday afternoon. Then we shall see where the problems are and what we really have to work on. I'm guessing Shakespeare and big musical numbers and that most of the backstage stuff will be pretty solid.

I turn a year older tomorrow. I suppose that will make me offcially in my 'middle forties'. 44 is not really early forties anymore. Time marches on. I feel so old.