Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday, October 14th

We've survived another Friday, the 13th. No major disasters but a very strange day for various reasons. Spent a lot of time with some major paperwork backlogs at work and got some invoices out on extra-curricular legal work I've done. Should be enough spare dollars to pay Tommy's tuition this next semester. At lunch, I dressed up as the Cabaret Emcee (complete with make-up) to be part of Birmingham's Random Acts of Art that happens in October in order to bemuse passers by at Five Points South. This was rather amusing. After it was over, I popped into clinic to scare the staff. While I was there, who should come out of a patient room but the president of UAB who was there with family. She won't soon forget me.

Last night was the opening of CenterStage's first production of the season, 'Little Shop of Horrors'. Not bad. Great perfromances from the leads and a killer set/visual look. Brimingham theater is looking better and better with each passing season as we all get better at what we do. I have first read through for 'A Christmas Carol' this weekend which is the next performance (bit part in a cast of thousands) and then, in December, go into rehearsal for 'Fiddler on the Roof'.

My social worker remains seriously ill and is not likely to significantly recover. We all hate that as she's been part of our work family for years and years. I haven't had a chance to see her for a while as she hasn't been up to visitors much. My health is better with the immediate GI issues under better control but I'm still feeling more washed out and fatigued than I usually do. I find myself having to take a couple of evenings a week to veg in order to stay on even keel.