Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tuesday, December 13th

Spent the weekend finishing the Christmas shopping and getting gift baskets ready for shipment to the family in Seattle. They went to the UPS place late on Saturday and only cost half a small fortune to send this year as they're early enough to go ground. Tommy and I are now working on the next project, getting ready for the party on the 18th. This means getting all of the decorating done and getting enough food ready for dozens of people. Once that is done, I may be able to turn my attention to the Christmas cards - which may be New Years cards by the time I actually get to them.

Have to get cracking on the new cabaret show, 'Blues in the Night' which should go into rehearsal after the first of the year. Various ideas are being bandied around. I just need to get them all together and start making them fit into a show. Have a bunch of lyrics to write and then we have to get all the linking material done and start working on costumes and such.

Things are pretty status quo at work. January may be a bit of a pain with staff being out or various reasons. One bright spot - have been invited to present at a meeting in the Bahamas in February. Four free days at a resort in return for an hours worth of work. Seems like a fair trade to me.

We saw 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' at the movies on Sunday. We liked it and thought it was well visualized and cast but it's too long and somewhat overproduced.